We act with love, build our faith and grow as people
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back! We are really looking forward to seeing you all on Monday for the start of the new school year. Years 1-6 were open for breakfast club (as always from 7.45am) and the gates open at 8.35am.
Year R have a special home visit from their teachers this week, which I know they are very much looking forward to. Then Year R will start on Monday 12th September.
A few reminders ahead of the term:
- All children are to bring their PE kit into school every Monday. It remains in school until Thursday every week. Then on Friday ALL children come into school in their PE kits for Fit Friday with Mr Prower! Some classes have PE on Monday (this week) so everyone needs their kit in school from day 1.
- Children need to be in full school uniform. Polo shirts (ONLY) for KS1 and shirts and ties for everyone in KS2
- Ties are available to purchase via Scopay, if you need to buy a one (Year 6 ties are now back in stock too)
- Children MUST all be in school shoes, not canvas black trainers, they are not acceptable as they are not waterproof!
- KS2 children ONLY need a small pencil case with basic stationary items included
- NO toys and games are to be brought in by the children. If your child has an educational need then a fiddle toy would need to be discussed with Miss Collins as part of ongoing assessments about the best way to support your child
- We have children with severe NUT allergies at our school, so no children can have any nut products in any items sent in from home.
- In KS2 your child can bring in a piece of fruit from home for their break time snack. KS1 fruit is provided.
- Your child needs a water bottle in school everyday of the year. We have clean fresh water that they can refill with in every classroom.
Meet the teacher information evening for Year 1-6 is on Wednesday 14th September. Year 1 & 2 will start in the hall at 6pm and Year 3-6 will be in the hall from 7pm. This will start with information on the new behaviour policy in place from Monday and the new rewards system and then will break into classrooms for specific information from your child’s teacher. It is important that as many parents attend this meeting as possible. This is an evening for parents, not the children, so please try and attend without your child where possible. In advance of this event I am attaching the new Behaviour Policy for you to read and acknowledge.
The Behaviour Policy has changed to ensure that all children are feeling safe in school and we have clear rules and rewards in place to support every child in the school. A school with good order and routines enforced enables excellence in learning and that is what we want for every child at SMC. Every child has the right to a full and rich curriculum and this will enable much for time and focus to be on that, with lots of opportunity to earn rewards and be noticed for showing excellent characteristics of effective learning. We are going to be teaching the new rules and behaviour systems to the children in the coming weeks and months, so please support us from home by reading it carefully and attending on the 14th September to hear more.
We also appreciate that there might be things that you need us to know ahead of term, that will help us to support your child next week. If there is please email enquires@smc-bracknell.com. If we know ahead we can make additional arrangements to support and nurture. We are immensely lucky to have support in place from Mrs Snowball our ELSA and Lily our School Counsellor when needed.
I look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday for our new school term.
Kind regards,
Mrs Mulholland