
St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School

We act with love, build our faith and grow as people

School Clubs

Splatz Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club starts at 7:45 am and finishes at 8:40 am, when the children will be taken to their classrooms.


A variety of breakfasts are available, which include: cereals, toast, fruit and water. After breakfast, the children will be able to participate in quiet activities such as: reading, board games or more active games in the hall. 


Please use the link below for a booking form and terms and conditions.

Splatz After School Club


Splatz starts at 3:15 and ends at 6:00 pm. They are supervised by the Splatz lead and other colleagues, who are all employed by the school.


A snack will be provided for the children for example, a drink, sandwich, croissant, fruit and vegetable sticks. If your child has any dietary requirements, please let us know. After their tea, the children will be able to participate in a variety of activities, including free play, art, board games and playground games.


Please use the link below for a booking form and terms and conditions.

After School Sports Provision - Spring Term


Monday - Year 1 & 2 Multi Sports (3:30-4:30pm)

Tuesday - Years 3 - 6 Multi Sports (3:30-4:30pm)

Wednesday - Years 1 - 4 Soccer Skills (3:30-4:30pm)

Thursday - Years 5 / 6 Football (3:30-4:30pm)

Free of charge - book via Scopay


All clubs run from 3:30 - 4:30 pm and places are on a first come - first served basis, please visit the links provided next to each club for more information.


Chess Club


Thursday - Years 2-6


Book Via ScoPay - club runs from 3:15 - 4:15pm


Art Club


Tuesday 3:15pm - 4pm - Years 5 & 6 (runs until half term)


Gardening Club

Starting again in October - further details to follow


Ukulele Club - to be confirmed

Tuesday lunchtime


Maths Club

Wednesday lunchtime - KS2


Library Club

Thursday and Friday lunchtimes



