We act with love, build our faith and grow as people
Year 4's have been busy and in full force practicing their times tables, as they prepare for the Multiplication tables check in early June. I know their continued hard work will pay off. In R.E. they have been ignited by the Holy Spirit, where they are learning more about the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit. They have really done well in reflecting deeper into where we can see the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. Year 4 did a brilliant job in leading us in the Celebration of the word, where we could see their learning about Pentecost in action. Well done to the readers, actors and IT skills displayed.
In English, we've learning all about Stroodles, and writing features to create an advert for a stroodle. The children have found out how sustainability links well with our Catholic Social Teaching, looking after God's Creation and our world. They have ended their History topic all about Ancient Greece with some beautiful paintings of mini frescoes and Greek vases. In Science the children enjoyed a mini-beast hunt in their local environment, and challenged each other by creating classification keys for their partners. In Maths, its all systems go for Times tables practice. We are consolidating our knowledge and getting in as much practice as we can with Time tables. They've also enjoyed a friendly times tables battle against Year 3's on TT Rockstars!
Over the past weeks, Yr4's have enjoyed learning all about Seasonal food, and the importance of eating food in season, as our bodies need a healthy diet. They've enjoyed making ham, tuna sandwiches and finished off, with designing their very own healthy menu. Well done Year 4, I am so proud you all! Keep practicing those times tables and have a restful half term!
Year 4’s have had a busy few weeks. We are now in the full swing of our daily Times tables practice for the Multiplication Times tables check in June. In English we have begun planning and writing our own narrative around the picture book, 'Bike Boy'.
We have been learning about seasonal food in D.T., where the children have used art to create collages of vegetables and spotted what is in season at the moment on their seasonal food calendars. Even better they have all enjoyed making jam tarts and sandwiches with different fillings- the best part eating it! In Science, our topic is living things and their habitats. The class enjoyed exploring their local environment, venturing out on a mini beast hunt.
In R.E. They have immersed themselves in thinking deeper about the scriptures explored and were so engrossed in illustrating the Ascension of Jesus scripture through painting. Reflecting on why Easter is a core part of Christian belief. The children enjoyed thinking deeper as to where they can see Jesus in people around them. We explored light as part of Hinduism learning about Diwali. So proud of you Year 4! Keep up the amazing hard work!!!!
Year 4's have been working so hard in Maths working our Decimals topic. They have delved deep into recalling their Fraction knowledge and converting these to decimals.
In English, the children have immersed themselves in an ocean of thinking deeper as to how plastic pollution could be affecting marine creatures that are yet to be discovered. They have begun to write a newspaper report about 'The Creature'.
For Science they have enjoyed learning about Changing states of matter. They thoroughly enjoyed watching the mercury rise in a thermometer as they recorded the temperature for various things. Best of all, they enjoyed melting a chocolate button between two fingers, testing out other ways of melting chocolate to change its solid state to a liquid.
In R.E. the children have grown deeper in their faith by being more reflective into Jesus' time in the wilderness and his teaching on forgiveness and being humble.
On World book day -the children beamed into school dressed up as their favourite book characters and were so eager to talk about their characters. We had a joint session with Year 3, where Mrs De Sousa from the Library, read us some chapters from one of her books that she has written. Inspiring children to think deeply to create rich sentences to engage their reader. The children then had a character creating campfire, where they let their imagination run wild as writers and got creative making their very own characters for a story.
Finally, they enjoyed a live Science Assembly as part of Science week, where they had to write an advert for dung beetles and advertise dung dwellings - they had so much fun with this activity! Once again well done to all Yr 4's!!! Keep up the amazing hard work!
1st December 2023
Year 4's have super busy these last few weeks, exploring and learning more about Sound in Science. They have been learning the difference between pitch and volume. In Maths we've been learning new vocabulary and the meaning of factors and its product. Furthermore, the children have been working hard on practicing their times tables. They have seen the importance of fluency and how this impacts on speed in completing calculations.
We are developing our writing skills in English with our new text - The Iron Man. As part our experience day, the children found an enormous Iron Man that had fallen down on the playground. They loved trying to count how many feet long this colossal Iron Man was. In class they delved into thinking about adjectives to describe the size of the Iron Man and brain stormed about all things that are made of metal. In DT the children have designed their Christmas stockings and will begin making them very soon. As part of R.E. we are learning about the history of God's people. Year 4 enjoyed learning about the Jesse tree and Jesus' ancestors, more importantly their relationship with God. Well done to all Year 4's on their amazing effort!
Year 4 have been working hard in R.E. where they have been thinking deeper into Catholic social teaching. They have explored Fratelli Tutti and reflected on Pope Francis' message about listening more and spreading more love in the world. In History we are learning about how powerful the Roman army was. As part of Maths week, we are thinking deeper into the importance of numbers in our daily lives and challenging ourselves in reasoning when answering mathematical questions. We also celebrated odd socks day, as part of anti -bullying week and wrote some poems in response to 'Make a noise about bullying'. The children have been learning lots in Science and thinking deeper how sound travels. We will explore the parts of the ear next and I know the children will find this interesting. In ICT the children have delved straight into their Online safety topic and have been learning about how to stay safe online. It was so lovely to celebrate the children's work and to meet with all our parents at parents evening, thank you for your time. Last but not least, Special 'Thank you' to our PTA for our lovely new interactive whiteboard 🙂 Well done to all the Year 4's for their continued efforts in their learning!
Recommended reading list for Year 4:
Penguin Books and Lit in Colour state that:
Books create belonging. They help us see each other and understand one another. They shine a light on the world.
It’s vital that the books we read in our formative years reflect the rich diversity of the society we live in.
Here at St. Margaret Clitherow, we have a diverse school community - 55.7% of our school children are from a minority ethnic background. We therefore think it is important that children have access to books that reflect who they are. Attached is a list of recommended reads put together by Penguin Books. You can read the research behind the inclusion of books by authors of colour here:https:// https://www.penguin.co.uk/lit-in-colour/parents-and-supporters
2023 KS2 Lit in Colour Book List
Year 4 have had another few busy weeks. The children really enjoyed R.E. last week where they were learning about CAFOD and its links to Creation. They thoroughly enjoyed making links and putting their faith into action for CAFOD's 'Be bright day' where the children got to dress up in bright colours for charity. They were especially intrigued to know how their donations could help a family in so many ways. By actively being part of this, in this weeks learning, they related to Ladauto si - meaning 'Care for our common home', a letter written to us by Pope Francis. The children are building their faith and growing as a people. In Art we have been developing our drawing skills by using the 'V' and 'Y' method to draw trees and use shades, tints and tones to create a forest canvas with depth. We've also been celebrating Black history month exploring the theme, 'Celebrating our sisters', and we joined in with the Great big live assembly online. The children enjoyed participating in the Kick start dance workshop that Mr. Prower organised. Additionally, they have been practicing for their class Liturgical prayers and I am so proud of all their efforts towards leading us in prayer. Thank you to the parents who could make it, don't worry if you missed out, please see the photos or check out our class page. Well done to all of Year 4!
The children enjoyed their Experience day in English, thinking about the boy in our story, and how he might have felt when he returned from the storm. We wrapped up with a scarf and some children chose to wear their coats; before we drank hot chocolate and ate marshmallows
In Art we were learning about tone, tints and shades of a colour. We tried to mirror the tones, tints and shades of the flowers we chose. For Science, we made complete circuits using different components.
Year 4 enjoyed a boat making experience day in English. In Maths we are learning about Number Place Value and enjoyed making 4-digit numbers using base ten and counters on place value chart. In Science we are learning about Electricity and have been learning about circuits. In R.E. we have learnt and thought about how we are made in the image and likeness of God. The children reflected and wrote thank you prayers to God for all that he has created for us. In Geography we have been learning about Rivers and their uses all around the world.