We act with love, build our faith and grow as people
Recommended Reads for Year 1:
Penguin Books and Lit in Colour state that:
Books create belonging. They help us see each other and understand one another. They shine a light on the world.
It’s vital that the books we read in our formative years reflect the rich diversity of the society we live in.
Here at St. Margaret Clitherow, we have a diverse school community - 55.7% of our school children are from a minority ethnic background. We therefore think it is important that children have access to books that reflect who they are. Attached is a list of recommended reads put together by Penguin Books. You can read the research behind the inclusion of books by authors of colour here:https:// https://www.penguin.co.uk/lit-in-colour/parents-and-supporters
Book list to follow
In Year 1, the children have had a wonderful start to the spring term! It has been lovely to see the children getting excited for their new topics. In DT, we have started a topic called Moving Minibeasts. We have made a sliding mechanism that moves the minibeast left and right and a pivot and lever mechanism using a split pin to make the minibeast move in an arc. The children showed great perseverance with this as using the split pins could be quite fiddly. In Music, we created a musical story called A Day in the Water. The children were in different groups like the surfers and swimmers and they all had different parts to play. We have been learning about pulse and tempo. In RE, the children have been acting out the parable of the good Samaritan. These performances were amazing to watch and we had some great discussions about how we can be like the good Samaritan. We are very much looking forward to learning more about our new topics this half term like famous explorers, habitats and animated stories. What an amazing start to the year – well done, Year 1!
In Year 1, we have loved reading Lost and Found and we have learnt so much about penguins. We are now writing our own Lost and Found stories about an animal who turns up at the door and how the boy/girl helps him to get home. Year 1 love the ending when the boy realises that the penguin is not lost but he was just lonely. It has been lovely to see some amazing vocabulary being use like isolated, elated and joyful. We have been learning about shape in Maths. This week, the children enjoyed doing different activities like describing shapes, sorting shapes and making patterns. In Computing, we are learning about Lego builders. We have been learning about algorithms and debugging. We started by creating a picture in Purple Mash and looking to see that everyone’s picture was different. We then followed an algorithm to create a picture of a bird and everyone’s picture was the same! Year 1 knew that everyone’s picture looked the same because we had followed an algorithm which was like following a step by step set on instructions. Year 1 have worked really hard to be independent and safely log themselves in and out of Purple Mash! It has been great to see the children using what they learnt about online safety and not sharing their passwords with their friends!
The children have been learning about mark making. They have been drawing different lines like zig zags and wavy lines. This week, the children were drawing lines but using different amounts of pressure to create darker and lighter lines. In English, we have started to read Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. We had an experience day to learn about different species of penguins and cold places. The children loved hunting round the classroom to find pictures and fact files all about penguins. In Computing, we have created lots of pictograms together. We collected data on how the children travel to school and created this into a class pictogram. The children have made their own pictograms by collecting data from rolling a dice to see what number it landed on. In Geography, the children have loved learning about the seasons. We have learnt to order the seasons with a very catchy song! The children have also been drawing pictures of what the different seasons look like from a window. This week, we have been using different clues to work out what season it is!
In Year 1, we have started some new topics this half term. The children were very excited to start learning about weather and seasons in geography. We have been ordering the seasons and thinking about what the weather looks like during those seasons. Year 1 have been learning about the snail and the mouse to explore tempo in music. The snail is slow and the mouse is fast. The children enjoyed being both the mouse and the snail copying different noises and actions alongside a rhyme. In English, we have been looking at Michael Rosen’s poem called Chocolate Cake. The children enjoyed watching Michael Rosen perform his poem and soon we will be writing our own instructions for making a chocolate mug cake. In RE, we have listened to the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats. We sorted different things happening into sheep and goat actions. The children then thought of a scenario to act out showing the difference between the sheep and the goat.
In Year One, we have been planning how to make our own fruit kebabs. The children decided on the utensils they would need to make these and the ingredients they wanted to include. The fruit kebabs needed to be colourful, healthy and really tasty. Year One have enjoyed creating designs for the fruit kebabs and they are very excited to use their designs to make them next week. In computing, the children have shown great perseverance trying to log in and out of purple mash safely. This week, Year One created their own pictogram and saved their own work. We then explored using purple mash through the tool sections and open 2Explore. Year One enjoyed using 2Explore to record different musical instruments playing. It was lovely to see lots of the children changing how fast their music was playing using a slider. During this week, we have been talking about mental health and the children shared some fantastic ideas of what makes them happy. Year One enjoyed drawing themselves surrounded by things that make them happy whilst sharing these thoughts with their friends.
We have been learning about Jack and the Jelly Bean Stalk in English which the children have loved! We have come up with some fantastic ways to describe feeling sad, angry and how big the giant is. Over the last couple of days, the children have been writing their own Jack and the Jelly Bean stalk stories. Year One are so proud of themselves! The stories are super impressive to read and they all include such beautiful writing! Year One have enjoyed learning about different types of fruit and vegetables. We have been learning about how to prepare different fruits including how to be safe and clean when preparing food. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be starting to plan how to make our own fruit kebabs so we needed to try different fruit to see what we would like to include. Everyone was a great food explorer and tried some different fruit like kiwi, grapes and lemon. The children have shown such enthusiasm whilst learning about creations. Year One have shared some lovely ways to look after God’s creations such as keeping plastic out of the ocean, showing love to everyone and looking after animals’ homes. In Music, we have been learning about pulse and rhythm. The children enjoyed using musical instruments to dance and play along to the pulse of the song.
What an amazing start to Year One! It has been amazing to see all the beautiful drawing, writing and sharing of ideas the children have done! We have been starting lots of new topics which they children have loved. It’s been so exciting learning about animals. We have enjoyed looking at the animals on the live cam at the zoo and learning about the different types of animals. In RE, we have been learning about the Creation Story. The children have been acting out the story in their groups and had so much fun pretending to be the sea, fish and birds. In Art, our topic is all about fruits and vegetables. We have started out by drawing out favourite fruits and vegetables. It has been lovely to see the concentration and effort the children have put in to their drawings. Year One have been so excited to read Jack and the Jelly Bean Stalk in English. We have been thinking of some great ways of describing jellybeans like tangy, fruity and emerald green! Well done, Year One!
Year 1 Liturgical Prayer - Thursday 23rd November at 9am (parents welcome)
African Drumming - Thursday 19th October