We act with love, build our faith and grow as people
Penguin Books and Lit in Colour state that:
Books create belonging. They help us see each other and understand one another. They shine a light on the world.
It’s vital that the books we read in our formative years reflect the rich diversity of the society we live in.
Here at St. Margaret Clitherow, we have a diverse school community - 55.7% of our school children are from a minority ethnic background. We therefore think it is important that children have access to books that reflect who they are. Attached is a list of recommended reads put together by Penguin Books. You can read the research behind the inclusion of books by authors of colour here:https:// https://www.penguin.co.uk/lit-in-colour/parents-and-supporters
Book list to follow
Recommended Reads for Year 1:
Year One are so proud of themselves as they are becoming more independent when logging themselves into Purple Mash. The children know where to find their logins inside their reading record and they know that we do not share this login with anyone except our parents. We started off our computing lessons by learning all about online safety. This is so important and it is important to know how to keep yourself safe online in different situations. It has been great to see Year One being so vigilant with keeping their passwords private and not sharing them with each other. The children have completed lots of different activities on Purple Mash and they have enjoyed exploring all of the amazing tools! In RE, we have been learning all about creation. The children have acted out the creation story, we have talked about how we can look after God’s creations and we have talked about pollution. Year One had some lovely discussions about how we can help to look after God’s creations. The children are very keen recyclers and always use the compost bin to help keep our world healthier. Everyone created a stained-glass window that shows God’s creations and some children included different ways we can look after the different creations. In English, we have been learning about nouns. The children enjoyed sorting different pictures of common nouns into people, places and things. Year One have been showing such great effort in their handwriting! The care that all the children have put into their handwriting in school and in their homework is wonderful. We are so very proud of them! Well done, Year One! Your letter formation is looking beautiful!
What an amazing start to this year! Year One have settled into our class beautifully! We have been very busy starting all of our topics. In History, we are learning about changes in toys. We started by looking at modern toys and will look at more toys from the past in our upcoming lessons. The children all brought in their favourite toy from home and we compared the similarities and differences of the toys. Year One then sorted their toys into two groups. The children made groups of wheels and no wheels. They also made groups of soft and hard toys. It was really exciting to see lots of different toys and talk about what they can do. In DT, we are learning about fruit and vegetables. This week we learnt about how to prepare food safely and all the children had a go at cutting up their bananas. We talked about how to do this safely and everyone washed their hands before we started. We created a picture using different shaped fruit and got to try the fruit. The children could try bananas, apples, oranges, cucumber, peppers, nectarines, lemons and pomegranate. Year One were great food explorers and tried new fruits to see if they liked them. It was very funny to see lots of sour faces whilst eating the lemon. We talked about the taste of the fruit and the texture. Pomegranate was very strange to touch but lots of the children liked it because it was juicy. In Science, we have been learning about animals. It has been lovely to see the children talking about their favourite animals and then think about what group of animals they belong to. We have been sorting animals into their groups and then comparing animals by their similarities and differences. Year One thought it was very exciting to find out that humans are mammals! We are looking forward to learning lot of new and exciting things throughout the year!
Year 1 Celebration of the Word - Thursday 14th November 2024