
St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School

We act with love, build our faith and grow as people


Anti-Bullying Week 2024 - Choose Respect


This year, Anti-Bullying week takes place 11th-15th November.  Our School Council will lead an assembly to remind children what bullying is and is not.

Throughout the week, the children will have the opportunity to participate in activities.  On the following days we will highlight the importance of respecting each other in person and online.


Tuesday 12th - Odd Socks Day.  This gives children the opportunity to express themselves.

Wednesday 13th - School Council led assembly

Anti Bullying Week Parent Information

Bronze Award

In March 2024 we were awarded the United Against Bullying Bronze award.  This award recognises our efforts towards 

We carried out an audit of the children's perceptions of bullying and then worked towards improving our approach to becoming an Anti Bullying School.  Our repeated audited  showed an improvement  and highlighted details on  good practice with examples, either within the Audit or by submitting a case study.


Our work on antibullying will continue, with the School Council leading assemblies about what bullying is and is not, with work on anti racism and by participating in Anti-Bullying week each November.


The final part of our work will include parent workshops and communication about anti-bullying.

As a school we have signed up to the Anti-Bullying Alliance's United Against Bullying Programme as we strive to become an Anti-bullying school.

As part of the programme, we pledged to conduct a base line audit to gauge the children's understanding of bullying whilst finding out if they believe they have been subjected to bullying.  This was completed using an anonymous online pupil questionnaire.

After the initial audit, we then participated in Anti-bullying week and held an 'Odd Socks Day' to mark the start of the week.

The assembly outlined what bullying is and isn't and highlighted to the children what they should do if they believe that someone is bullying them.


Finally, we will repeat the pupil questionnaire to ascertain if the children's understanding of bullying and reported cases of bullying has changed.

What is the United Against Bullying Programme? 

The United Against Bullying programme is the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s free whole-school anti-bullying programme. It supports schools to reduce bullying and improve the wellbeing of all children, focusing on those most at risk, including children and young people with SEND, children and young people who experience racist and faith-targeted bullying, sexual bullying, homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying, looked-after children, young carers and those on free school meals.  

The overall aim of the programme is to establish United Against Bullying Schools. These are schools that have evidenced their work to reduce bullying and improve the wellbeing of all pupils.

Anti-bullying parent information pack

Anti-bullying Week

Anti-bullying week was launched with an 'Odd Socks Day' to encourage people to show their individuality and highlight the fact that we are all unique.  We also held an antibullying assembly which enabled us to have a discussion about what bullying is and isn't.  The children then took part in a variety of activities throughout the week such as creating posters, writing poems and listening to a variety of stories about anti-bullying.


