We act with love, build our faith and grow as people
Year 3 have had an excellent few weeks. We are busy planning a non-chronological report in English and investigating weird wildlife. We are putting into practice all our hard work on grammar and sentence structure. Also we enjoyed the Auther workshop. We have been looking at place value in maths; examining 3-digit numbers. In Science we have continued looking at our bodies and how to keep healthy with the eat-well plate. We have looked at numbers and colouring in French. Everyone has created wonderful shading and observational drawings in art in preparation for creating prints. In history we have continued our investigations into the bronze and Iron age, considering how life changed from the Stone Age. In RE we have looked at the gospel telling us how Jesus called his first disciples and we had the pleasure of sharing this with the School this week. Everyone did an incredible job - Thank you to all the parents who could come along and support this.
Newsletter 1
Year 3 have had an excellent start to the academic year. Everyone has already settled really well into classroom routines. We have started our first topic looking at the Stone Age in History. We have looked at the human skeleton and thought about its function in Science. Year 3 have also been excited to start learning French with simple greetings and numbers. In Maths we are looking at number and addition methods. In Art, we have been looking at William Morris and the Arts and craft movement. We will be creating simple prints this half term which will lead us into our lino cut printing workshop just after half term. We have also looked at our Mission statement and St Margaret Clitherow. We started thinking about baptism in RE. It was lovely to meet so many parents at our meet the teacher evenings; thank you to all who could attend.
Recommended Reading List for Year 3:
Penguin Books and Lit in Colour state that:
Books create belonging. They help us see each other and understand one another. They shine a light on the world.
It’s vital that the books we read in our formative years reflect the rich diversity of the society we live in.
Here at St. Margaret Clitherow, we have a diverse school community - 55.7% of our school children are from a minority ethnic background. We therefore think it is important that children have access to books that reflect who they are. Attached is a list of recommended reads put together by Penguin Books. You can read the research behind the inclusion of books by authors of colour here:https:// https://www.penguin.co.uk/lit-in-colour/parents-and-supporters
2023 KS2 Lit in Colour Book List
2022 KS2 Lit in Colour book list
2021 KS2 Lit in Colour book list
Year 3 have had an excellent start to the summer term. We have started by exploring explanation texts in English and have created designs for our own IRobot pets so we can created an explanation about them. In French we have started looking at verbs for activities and simple sentences to describe whether we are able to do them or not. In science we are continuing learning about light; this week we investigated shadows and how placing the light source closer of further away altered the shadow and the effect of transparent, translucent and opaque materials. We have also begun our geography unit exploring continents and landscapes. In maths we have been adding and subtracting fractions as well as finding fractions of amounts. In Art we researched George Seurat and will be investigating the technique of pointillism over the next few weeks. In RE we considered the symbols of Eater and we have also looked at the appearances of Jesus following his resurrection at Easter and reflected upon how they felt.
Year 3 have had a very busy couple of weeks. They really enjoyed all the book week activities and it was wonderful to see and share such a variety of stories, characters and costumes. We found plenty of time to read and listen to some stories; one of the favourites was Micheal Rosen's Rigatoni the pasta cat! This week we have started an explanation text around nocturnal animals focusing on the European Hedgehog. In maths we have started looking at measure, capacity and volume. We enjoyed a wonderful science week this week along with continuing our learning around the theme of light. This week we thought about the sun and how lovely it is but also the dangers it can present to us. In history, we have looked at the reign of pharaoh Ramses II also known as Ramses the great. In RE we have focused on the Widow of Nain miracle and how Jesus taught us about compassion. In DT we have begun our construction of light boxes ( Many thanks for the boxes we now have enough). We are of course all excited and looking forward to next week's trip ...fingers crossed for a day without rain to help us out!
Thank you for all attending parents' evening this week. It is so lovely to share how well everyone is doing! Thank you also to those who could make are liturgical prayer this week. We shared the old testament message from Samuel around ensuring we are listening. We have also been looking at Bible stories that show compassion and continuing our Lenten journey. In English we will be writing our own Greek myths next week. We will also continue work on fractions in maths along with our studies around Ancient Egypt. In DT we are looking at electronic circuits and creating our own light box ( cereal boxes welcome to create these with) whilst in Science we are looking at the topic of Light which is supporting our DT work.. In French we are looking at musical instruments and in music we also continue this theme but with instruments from India.
Year 3 have had an excellent couple of weeks. We have investigated Egyptian gods and how their belief system caused them to do some things which appear strange to us today, including mummification. The children wrote an excellent description of this process. In English, after completing brilliant stories based on the three little pigs, we have started our new topic : Greek Myths. We have shared one version of Theseus and the Minotaur and are busy developing different sentence structures with writing out own version. In maths we are looking at converting measurements and calculating perimeter. Everyone enjoyed a verity of tasks where we had to measure items! In music we have looked at pentatonic scales and developed our own compositions. In art we have looked at architecture and created our own versions of the Sydney Opera House. Through our RE lessons we are considering how God is revealed to us. We have looked at the liturgy of the word and shared a homily with a clear message with the younger years from the story of Samuel.
Year 3 have had an excellent week. We have been inspired by the 3 little pigs story and are busy planning and writing our own. In maths we have begun a topic around measure - m,cm and mm. We will be continuing times table and division along with this new topic to embed our learning. In history we have learned about hieroglyphics and ancient Egyptian gods. In Science we are continuing to investigate the properties of magnets and think about forces. In Music. we have looked at the pentatonic scale and everyone has had a go at being a composer; creating tuneful compositions. It has been wonderful to see so many 'different' children in our dare to be different day. Thank you all for your ongoing support.
Year 3 have had a brilliant start to the New Year. Mrs Nonis has worked extremely hard with everyone whilst I was off sick for a few days and we are busy learning about, " The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' In RE we have looked at St Francis of Assisi's Nativity story and reflected upon these events. In maths we are continuing our learning around multiplications. In History we are starting a topic around Ancient Egypt whilst in French we have started learning names of fruit.
Year 3 have had a busy couple of weeks. Thank you to all parents who joined us for our Liturgical prayer last week. The children really enjoyed leading our worship and sharing their work around the first disciples. They shared thoughtful reflections about how we should be ready to follow Jesus and wrote some lovely prayers. In English we have started writing non-chronological reports on the fascinating Pangolin. Whilst in Maths, we have just started multiplication- please keep logging into TTrockstars to support this! In Geography we are looking at climate zones which links to our Science topic around rocks and soils. In French we are learning names for some animals along with some more simple phrases. We have also had some interesting discussions linked with our anti-bullying week along with enjoying wearing odd socks to celebrate how everyone is different. In RE we have continued looking into Catholic Social teaching with themes such as stewardship and human dignity
In Year 3, prior to half term we enjoyed the African drumming workshop and linked this to our learning around 'Black History Month' where we creating some beautiful artworks inspired by Lubaina Himid. We have enjoyed a great first week of this half term writing our own holiday brochures in English. The topic of addition and subtraction continues in Maths; we have been looking at exchanging in our 3-digit subtractions. We are starting our Geography topic looking at climate and weather which is perhaps appropriate with the current stormy skies! We are also continuing learning French with a new theme of animals. In Science, we have started a new topic about Rocks and soils. In RE we are examining the themes around Catholic Social Teaching and how Scripture inspires us to show good stewardship to God's creation. We are also working together to plan our class liturgical prayer for next week.
Year 3 have had a brilliant couple of weeks. We have continued our Pre-history topic looking at the Bronze and Iron Ages. This has inspired our writing around Skara Brae where we are looking at producing a holiday brochure. In Maths we are looking at addition and subtraction. We have continued looking at humans in Science and have investigated a balanced diet. In DT we are busy producing our books with moving parts and using our lovely English stories as inspiration. In RE we have considered the call of the disciples and been busy identifying what qualities we need to be a child of God. Well done year 3
29.9.23 Class Update
Year 3 have had a busy couple of weeks! We have continued with our Stone Age topic in both English and History. We learned how life changed from the Palaeolithic to the Neolithic period and are busy planning and writing our own stories based on a visit to this period in time. In Science we have looked at muscles and bones in the human body. We have also learned numbers to 10 in French and continued to practise greetings. We have continued with place value in maths and are enjoying learning our 3 times table. In RE we have thought about the sacrament of Baptism, exploring the roles and promises made during this sacrament. Everyone enjoyed acting this out in class! Well done year 3.
15.9.23 Class Update:
Year 3 have had an excellent start. We have already settled really well into classroom routines. We have started our first topic looking at the Stone Age in both English and History. We have looked at the human skeleton and thought about its function in Science. Year 3 have also been excited to start learning French with simple greeting. In Maths we are looking at place value and number. In DT we are investigating how to make books with moving parts and done some drawing and creating too! We have also looked at our Mission statement and started thinking about baptism in RE. It was lovely to meet so many parents at our meet the teacher evenings; thank you to all who could attend.
Archived - Class 2022/ 23