
St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School

We act with love, build our faith and grow as people


History Intent, Implementation & Impact Statement

St Margaret Clitherow


Our History curriculum aims to give pupils a lasting knowledge of:

  • People, events, situations and developments
  • Chronology and characteristic features
  • A wide range of historical vocabulary


An ability to:

  • Engage in historical enquiry
  • Organise and communicate their knowledge and understanding effectively


A deep understanding of:

  • Evidence (sources)
  • Different interpretations
  • Cause and consequence
  • Change and continuity
  • Similarity and difference
  • Significance


Through our teaching we aim to:

  • Help pupils to develop a moral understanding of our past
  • Inspire pupil’s curiosity
  • Motivate pupils to want to study the subject - nurturing a lifelong engagement with History
  • Give them a sense of identity



Early Years Provision

Activities and experiences for pupils are planned according to the areas of learning and development, as outlined in the latest DfE EYFS Framework. All activities will adhere to the objectives set out in this framework. In particular, history-based activities will be used to develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the ‘Past and Present’.

Years 1 to 6 Provision

History is taught as a discrete subject, although links are made with other subjects wherever possible.  Each class covers two-three topics per year (see our topic overview below). Each topic includes enquiry questions focusing on specific disciplinary knowledge and encouraging the children to think like historians (please see our progression of knowledge and skills document below). When planning, all teachers consider the needs of the pupils in their class, including those with SEND. Our plans reflect our local context and pupils' learning is enriched through visits, visitors, history walks and workshops inspiring pupils' curiosity to want to find out more about the past. There are also opportunities for flexibility in relation to pupils' interests and also in response to current events and anniversaries.


We have produced Knowledge Organisers for each of the History topics covered by pupils. These include include the topic, key question and key vocabulary. 

Teaching approaches

All topics start with a ‘hook’: This includes enquiry questions, visitors, visits, looking at artefacts, photographs etc.

All planning uses an enquiry approach, encouraging pupils to think and work like historians, turning learning into a puzzle to be solved. This includes using primary sources and artefacts to answer historical questions.

Teachers routinely recap on work covered to help pupils retain key substantive knowledge. All pupils complete ‘Key Assessment Tasks’ every topic (linked to our Progression Framework). This helps inform ongoing teacher assessments of attainment and progress.



Formative assessment in History:

  • Is embedded as an essential part of teaching and learning.
  • Involves sharing learning objectives and success criteria with pupils.
  • Aims to help pupils to know and recognise the standards they are aiming for.
  • Involves pupils in peer and self-assessment.
  • Provides subject specific feedback which leads pupils to recognising their next steps and how to take them.
  • Is used by the Senior Leadership Team and teachers to: adapt the curriculum, target professional development, audit resources and to further develop progression of all pupils in all classes.

All pupils complete ‘Key Assessment Tasks’ every topic, usually at the end of a topic. This data is used to plan for gaps in knowledge. 
