
St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School

We act with love, build our faith and grow as people

International Day

On Thursday 29th June we celebrated the Mass of St. Peter & Paul with Fr. Danny.

We also celebrated the diversity of our school community by holding an International Day to acknowledge and recognise the many different nationalities we have at St Margaret Clitherow.

Children were invited to come wearing their country's national dress or items that represented their country/culture.  Many of the children also brought in food to share with their class mates.


Many of the children thought that it is important to celebrate our diversity to ensure that all feel welcome and included in our community.


The children stated:

It was good to try new foods – Rafi Yr5

We got to show our cultures and beliefs – Josh Yr5


Fun to try food from different nationalities – Maria Yr6

I enjoyed wearing clothes from my own culture – it made me feel proud – Nisa Yr6

It was fun to see the national dress of other countries - Ansh Yr6

We enjoyed learning about the countries that other children are from e.g. how far away they are, what they do etc. – Logan  & Isabelle Yr6
